
bionet.ted.asdm.asdm_decode_vander_ins(s, dur, dt, bw, b, sgn=-1)

Threshold-insensitive ASDM time decoding machine that uses BPA.

Decode a finite length signal encoded with an Asynchronous Sigma-Delta Modulator by efficiently solving a threshold-insensitive Vandermonde system using the Bjork-Pereyra Algorithm.


s: array_like of floats

Encoded signal. The values represent the time between spikes (in s).

dur: float

Duration of signal (in s).

dt: float

Sampling resolution of original signal; the sampling frequency is 1/dt Hz.

bw: float

Signal bandwidth (in rad/s).

b: float

Encoder bias.

sgn: {-1, 1}

Sign of first spike.


u_rec : ndarray of floats

Recovered signal.