
bionet.ted.iaf.iaf_encode(u, dt, b, d, R=inf, C=1.0, dte=0, y=0.0, interval=0.0, quad_method='trapz', full_output=False)

IAF time encoding machine.

Encode a finite length signal with an Integrate-and-Fire neuron.


u : array_like of floats

Signal to encode.

dt : float

Sampling resolution of input signal; the sampling frequency is 1/dt Hz.

b : float

Encoder bias.

d : float

Encoder threshold.

R : float

Neuron resistance.

C : float

Neuron capacitance.

dte : float

Sampling resolution assumed by the encoder (s). This may not exceed dt.

y : float

Initial value of integrator.

interval : float

Time since last spike (in s).

quad_method : {‘rect’, ‘trapz’}

Quadrature method to use (rectangular or trapezoidal) when the neuron is ideal; exponential Euler integration is used when the neuron is leaky.

full_output : bool

If set, the function returns the encoded data block followed by the given parameters (with updated values for y and interval). This is useful when the function is called repeatedly to encode a long signal.


s : ndarray of floats

If full_output == False, returns the signal encoded as an array of time intervals between spikes.

[s, dt, b, d, R, C, dte, y, interval, quad_method, full_output] : list

If full_output == True, returns the encoded signal followed by updated encoder parameters.


When trapezoidal integration is used, the value of the integral will not be computed for the very last entry in u.