
bionet.ted.iaf.iaf_encode_coupled(u, dt, b_list, d_list, k_list, h_list, type_list)

Single-input multi-output coupled IAF time encoding machine.

Encode a signal with an ensemble of coupled ideal ON-OFF Integrate-and-Fire neurons.


u : array_like of floats

Signal to encode.

dt : float

Sampling resolution of input signal; the sampling frequency is 1/dt Hz.

b_list : list of floats

List of encoder biases.

d_list : list of floats

List of encoder thresholds.

k_list : list of floats

List of encoder integration constants.

h_list : M x M array_like of functions

Coupling functions. Function h_list[i][j] describes the coupling from the integrator output of neuron i to the input of neuron j.

type_list : list of integers {-1, 1}

Neuron types. A value of -1 indicates that a neuron is an OFF-type neuron, while a value of 1 indicates that it is an ON-type neuron.


s_list : list of ndarrays of floats

Encoded signal.