
bionet.ted.rt.iaf_decode_delay(s_list, T_block, T_overlap, dt, b_list, d_list, k_list, a_list, w_list)

Real-time multi-input multi-output delayed IAF time decoding machine.

Decode several signals encoded with an ensemble of ideal Integrate-and-Fire neurons with delays.


s : list of ndarrays of floats

Signals encoded by an ensemble of encoders. The values represent the time between spikes (in s). The number of arrays in the list corresponds to the number of encoders in the ensemble.

T_block : float

Length of block to decode during each iteration (in s).

T_overlap : float

Length of overlap between successive blocks (in s).

dt : float

Sampling resolution of input signals; the sampling frequency is 1/dt Hz.

b_list : list

List of encoder biases. Must be of length N.

d_list : list

List of encoder thresholds. Must be of length N.

k_list : list

List of encoder integration constants. Must be of length N.

a_list : array_like

Array of neuron delays (in s). Must be of shape (N, M).

w_list : array_like

Array of scaling factors. Must be of shape (N, M).


u_list : list

Decoded signals.