
bionet.ted.rt.iaf_encode_delay(u_list, T_block, t_begin, dt, b_list, d_list, k_list, a_list, w_list)

Real-time multi-input multi-output delayed IAF time encoding machine.

Encode several with an ensemble of ideal Integrate-and-Fire neurons with delays.


u_list : list

Signals to encode. Must contain M arrays of equal length.

T_block : float

Length of block to encode (in s) during each iteration.

t_begin : float

Time at which to begin encoding (in s).

dt : float

Sampling resolution of input signals; the sampling frequency is 1/dt Hz.

b_list : list

List of encoder biases. Must be of length M.

d_list : list

List of encoder thresholds. Must be of length M.

k_list : list

List of encoder integration constants. Must be of length M.

a_list : array_like

Array of neuron delays (in s). Must have shape (N, M).

w_list : array_like

Array of scaling factors. Must have shape (N, M).


s_list : list

List of arrays of interspike intervals.